So Bad It’s Good
Final Guys
Bleeding Page
I'd never seen a mainstream movie where a handjob interrupts someone pissing before. Gonna be an interesting conver… https://t.co/FOOsL6EHWf
I'm interviewing the screenwriter and executive producer of The Last Kumite, Sean David, in 30 minutes. Do you have… https://t.co/q6gpxZLcMX
Going live at 5 PM EST tonight to open the mountain of packages you've sent us this month. God only knows what shit… https://t.co/zw1r67cPiK
I think @cynroth missed her calling as an actor in Mentos commercials. https://t.co/PycXNWEUth
Movies with @MatthiasHues are always entertaining! Talons of the Eagle is everything I want in a movie. https://t.co/qPnXAp6nNS